
Doing is the hard part

How to embed service design in organizations

A talk by Marc Stickdorn

Service design established itself as a now wide-spread approach to innovate services – or more generally to innovate experiences of customers, employees, and citizens. In his talk, Marc briefly describes the difference between theory and practice of using service design to really have an impact on people. He outlines how you can embed service design sustainably in organizations along their 12 commandments of service design from their recent book “This is Service Design Doing”.

This talk will break with the ubiquitous tools and method fetish and focus on what this is actually all about: people and how to improve their life.


Marc Stickdorn

CEO, More than Metrics

Marc published the award-winning books “This is Service Design Thinking” (2010), “This is Service Design Doing” (2018), and “This is Service Design Methods” (2018). He is Co-founder and CEO of "More than Metrics", a company creating software for service design, such as Smaply and ExperienceFellow. With a background in strategic management and service design, he also consults organizations on how to sustainably embed service design in their structures, processes, and culture.

Marc regularly speaks at conferences on service design and entrepreneurship and teaches service design at various universities and executive education programs. If Marc is not working, he loves traveling with a backpack or in his VW van, going on a sailing trip, or riding his motorcycle.